Monday, March 3, 2008

A Simple Technique to Eliminate Fear in Childbirth

A simple technique you can use to help eliminate fear in childbirth is to question your reality in the present moment. Fear can only get it's grip on you when you are focus on the past or the future. Ask yourself the question "what is my reality right now?" and the answer  is usually all is well. When you are able to put aside your fears you are able to make choices that are based in reality, you are able to do what needs to be done. 
Stay in the moment and fear has no chance of getting you in it's grip. In future blogs I will give you tools to help you stay in the moment.

1 comment:

InfoMidwife said...

Thanks Lorraine for the great tip! it always helps to be reminded of the simple power of staying in the present. I look forward to reading your next pearl of wisdom. Keep up the good work.