Friday, May 16, 2008

Inspiring Birth Stories

I am collecting women’s stories on pregnancy and birth to compliment my book Birth Beyond Fear. I would like to invite you to add your story to the collection. My aim is to inspire other pregnant women with your stories, to motivate them to know they can change their beliefs and thoughts around childbirth from fear or anxiety to trusting in the process of birth.
In particular I would like you to:
1. Describe how you prepared yourself emotionally and mentally for birth.
2. Tell me about your labour and birth and early parenting.
3. How did you support yourself if things didn’t go as you planned?
I want the book to focus on the solutions to challenges you were able to overcome, so other women can use these inspiring stories to overcome their own challenges.
They can be as short as one page or as long as five. Put in anything you think may help another woman during her pregnancy and birth.
If you have any questions or would like to send me your story email me on

Becoming Aware of Your Fears

One of the most important things a woman can do is to become aware of her fears about childbirth, because once you have awareness of these fears you are halfway there to changing them. One way to become aware is to ask yourself the following questions. If they cause you begin to experience fear in any way it is because you have an underlying negative belief which once aware of, you can now easily change, if you choose.

Your Own Birth
What are the stories your mother has told you about your own birth or your sibling’s births, were they positive or negative? Remember it is not always what was said that matters, non-verbal communication is just as important.

Others Births
What types of births did others in your family have? What about your friends? How do you feel when you see births portrayed on television and in the media?

Your Own Previous Labour and Birth
You will take with you all the experiences of your last birth with into your next birth. Was your last birth was long and difficult? Were you able to resolve any issues you had about your previous labour and birth?

You Support Network
Are the people who support you during your pregnancy positive or negative. Do they believe in your ability to give birth?
Does your work place support your pregnancy and your planned leave following the birth?

Your Relationship With Your Baby’s Father
Is your baby’s father involved and supportive during the pregnancy? Are you able to communicate what your needs are to them during the pregnancy and birth?

Your Career
Will you need to put your career path on hold following the birth of your baby? Do you intend to return to work very soon after the birth?

Adjusting To Parenthood
Are you afraid that you won’t be able to cope as a mother? Were you given a good or bad role model in your own parents? What childcare arrangements do you have?

Your Living Arrangements
Will you need to move to a bigger home? Have you left these changes to your living arrangements to the last minute?

Do you feel comfortable with your present caregiver? Do you feel that they will be supportive of your plans for your birth?

Do you have enough savings to allow you not to work after your baby is born? How soon will you need to go back to work? Will you be able to meet your monetary commitments?

Loss of Control
Do you feel you need to control everything about your pregnancy and birth? Do you have a long and detailed birth plan? Are you frightened of losing control in your labour?

In my next post I will give you a ideas to help you change these any negative beliefs you have discovered.